Security Consulting

Security consulting for companies, institutions and organizations – information security and depreciation prevention

When was the last time a situation assessment was carried out regarding the factors that threaten the organization’s activities and assets? Is there ongoing control over the existing security systems in the organization? How can they be improved? Does the organization meet the regulator’s requirements? Is it prepared to deal with a flood, a cyberattack and an earthquake? Is the organization’s sensitive information exposed? 

Focus Security Consulting and Investigations provides professional consulting and support services to corporations, companies and institutions, including government institutions. Focus accompanies its clients in the stages of planning, implementation and management of safety and security systems, to protect the organization’s assets from a wide variety of risks.

The risks that threaten the organization’s activity, and sometimes may even cause its shutdown, are many and complex. They are also constantly changing as new risks emerge from time to time, requiring the organization to effectively prepare afresh each time. The range of possibilities for damage to the organization includes malicious acts from outside or from within the organization, natural damages, system failures, and more. As the organization develops, the number of weak points increases. In the field of information security in technological systems, the dynamic is even higher.

Focus provides security managers and teams in organizations with solutions and services in an overall view of the organization’s security needs:

Focus is prepared to provide each client with a security consulting envelope adapted to the security needs and tasks of each organization. Focus operates for its clients highly experienced security experts and professional teams that work closely with the organization’s security elements, with the aim of perfecting, improving and responding to every challenge and surprise. Focus Security Consulting and Investigations uses up-to-date knowledge, innovative methods and advanced tools for its clients in order to always be one step ahead of the next challenge.

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